Bluff Elementary LRC

LRC Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Wednesday: 8:30 AM - 12:30

Christoffersen Headshot

Lisa Christoffersen

Librarian Media Specialist Teacher


Overton Headshot

Linda Overton



Obren Headshot

Nick Obren

Technology Paraprofessional


Students huddled around a book

Enjoying a good book together in the LRC on Pajama Day!

Bluff Elementary Learning Resource Center (LRC) houses more than 13,000 books. The LRC is also the home to a computer lab where classes come to work on ST Math, Lexia and other technology projects. Although much of our learning in the library comes from the books, another valuable resource for learning is Makerspaces. Here students have the opportunity to explore their own interests and develop creative projects. The learning environment is collaborative and challenging. Inquiry, experimentation, tinkering, creation and problem solving are all encouraged and valued at Makerspaces.